Tuesday, December 05, 2006

advent calendar

Little Man has been asking me many times over the past few days: "mommy, how many days till Christmas?". Every time, I have to go show him the calendar we have on the kitchen wall and count the days with him.

Consulting the all-knowing Googlegod about 'advent calendar' took me to gorgeous blog, Allsorts , and her version of an Advent Calendar. So cute! I thought that would be a perfect way for Little Man to keep track of the days. But then I realized that it was already the 4th of December and if I tried to make something that involved, it wouldn't be done till next December.

Eventually I found my way over to Anna Maria's blog where she gives a wonderful tute on making a felt circle garland. I combined Anna's idea with the concept of an advent calendar and came up with this:

advent calendar
(another view here)

Each felt circle is attached to a small gold coin. So every day we'll pull down one circle & have a piece of candy. I put it up today while LM was in school. He was instantly intrigued when he arrived home, counting each of the circles and asking about them. I told him the idea behind an advent calendar and we pulled off #5. While he was munching his candy, he counted some more and said "we only have 20 days till Christmas!".

I think it works perfectly. :)


Anonymous said...

That is so cute! Great job! I am so impressed!

Christie said...

That is so clever!

Anonymous said...

Yay- you did such a great job and I love how you combined mine and Jennifer's ideas! And even happier that the whole process is moving your little one into being a mathematical genius.
Happy Holidays! xo,AM

Anonymous said...

So cute! And easy, I love that. Great job!

LLA said...

Oh - I do love this!!!!

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

Oh I LOVE THIS! So beautiful! I'll be linking.

Shreyas said...
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