Tuesday, February 20, 2007

fat tuesday

Eat those pancakes while you can: Lent is starting tomorrow!

We're a household of lapsed Catholics- both the Dearest and I were raised in the religion, but neither of us are currently part of a church. However, the Catholic guilt is strong and long-lasting and tends to make itself known during the big Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter. After 10+ years of Catholic school (back in the day when real nuns ruled the classrooms with iron fists) there's no way I'd forget that Lent is starting soon.

Since today was Fat Tuesday (also known as Shrove Tuesday), I decided we should have the traditional pancakes for dinner. When I told Little Man my plan, he was shocked: "Pancakes? For dinner?"

I used a simple recipe & made the pancakes from scratch...after resting in the fridge for 20 minutes they were ready for the griddle.
round n square

And of course you can't sully from-scratch pancakes with store-bought syrup. So I found a recipe for homemade syrup and gave it a try. It turned out quite yummy- not too sweet and a little thicker than real maple syrup.

day 50 of 365/photo a day
day 50 of 365

Now we're ready to face Lent!


Mandy said...

What a lovely idea for Fat Tuesday! I'll have to try the homemade syrup recipe, because I really can't stand the yucky fake stuff.

Anonymous said...

Please tell little Man the breakfast-for-dinner is the Epitome of Fine Dining. Seriously.

Woolfairy said...

It was Mardi Gras in my house yesterday. I guess that is the difference between New Orleans raised Catholics and Catholics raised anywhere else - Party! I just get the Grade B stuff at TJ's. Never again will I suffer the indignity of Aunt Jemima.

Hunny said...

Hey! I just wanted to say thanks for the tips on taking photos. I have been playing around with my digital camera and have been getting more shots that I like. I love pancakes for dinner!!

Teyani said...

I agree with Emily -
pancakes is a perfect dinner food