Sunday, March 11, 2007

today I'm....


feeling crafty urges, but feeling too blah to craft (nevermind no one to watch the littles- I dunno how other bloggers craft while their kids are underfoot)

needing my morning coffee very very badly

tired of cleaning cleaning cleaning cleaning ....and did I mention cleaning?

just plain tired

/end whine


Woolfairy said...

I never understood that either. And I wouldn't even attempt it without morning coffee! LOL I've spent today cleaning with children underfoot too and it is no fun. I'm thinking about asking Dh if we can get someone in later this month to do a big, washing the walls and doors and bathrooms, etc. Maybe yuo can do something like that...? I hope your blahs pass soon and you feel back on your game.

And is it terrible of me that I am somewhat relieved that you get this way sometimes too? It makes me feel better about the many many times I do. Especially since I often admire your creativity and ability to keep a happy and creative house going when the thought of putting paint out makes me cringe with the ordeal of cleaning it up afterward. Suffice it to say that I think you rock!

LLA said...

You *do* rock...

and everyone has days that are "meh." from time to time. I hope that your is short lived....

nina beana said...

i'm definitely feelin' you today- you're not alone!

Miss Scarlett said...

I hate these type of days - hope yours passes quickly.