Sunday, January 01, 2006

NYE 2005

Progressive dinner in our neighborhood:

Three houses in three hours.

Running thru the rain to cross the street for appetizers.

Main dishes at our house. Fourteen adults and ten kids (!) for tacos, taquitos and PB&Js.

36 taco shells.

Four pounds of ground beef.

Six packages of goldfish crackers crushed into the floor in the living room.

One very happy doggie-vac who had her own NYE celebration eating all the stuff on the floor.

Dessert at another neighbor's house.

Massive amounts of fun was had by all!

The Dearest and I retired to the sofa by 9pm to watch a Tivo'd hockey game and knit (well, at least *I* knit).

I think it was a great New Year's Eve. Wishing you all a happy and safe 2006.